Friday 30 January 2009

Dedicated Or Shared Web Hosting - Which One is Better?

One of the biggest arguments in choosing the best web hosting service provider comes through when people sit and argue about which type of web hosting provider to be chosen. Now, the discussion is not on whether to choose free or paid ones. The basis of the argument is to choose between Dedicated and Shared Web Hosting services.

In most cases though, you would find that the Dedicated web hosting services are paid ones, but with that being said, it offers some advantages, which could beat shared web hosting services completely.

Let us first try and understand what these web hosting services mean. Dedicated web hosting means that your website would be provided with a certain amount of space, and that space or bandwidth as it is called, is all yours. No other website would have the option of being hosted in the space. This could mean you can play around with your website, of course, within the space allocated to you. Importantly, if there are any errors coming through, the technical troubleshooting team would be able to spot and fix it without a lot of delay.

Shared web hosting services is where a certain amount of space is shared in hosting some websites. How many websites are hosted through the shared web space depends entirely on how much space is available and how big are the websites. Often, you would find that most of the technical issues of people come through from shared web hosting providers. This is where technical support teams apparently face a lot of issues, as the space is all too cranked up.

Knowing how dedicated and shared web hosting services work, you would do well to choose one based on what your needs are. It may just be possible that you could end up choosing dedicated services instead of the shared ones, because they fit your needs.

You can get cheap and best web hosting deals at Hostgator. Get more information HERE
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Article Source: EzineArticel

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